She Blooms Academy


is for the the woman ready to 

Help women gain clarity about their identity, values, and aspirations, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose.

Guide women in crafting a compelling vision for their future, rooted in faith and aligned with their unique gifts and calling.

Provide strategies and resources to overcome obstacles, fears, and self-limiting beliefs that hinder personal and spiritual growth.

Create a safe and uplifting environment where women can connect, encourage, and uplift one another, fostering meaningful friendships and accountability.

Empower women to set SMARTer (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Energizing, and Rewarding) goals with God, and take consistent action towards their dreams with confidence and courage.

SBA is designed to: 

 In April of 2023, God gave me a vision and scripture, Isaiah 35:1-7. I knew that I was to begin to build something that would help other women grow and bloom in the middle of this dry and weary land that we often find ourselves in. What is being created is an army of women who are tired of living in the wilderness and are seeking God’s direction for every area of their lives, they are ready to be with like-minded women, let go of all that is holding them back, and take back what the enemy has stolen, their joy, their peace, their health. The women who come to SBA are ready to make a change, to commit their plans to God’s hands and ways, apply Biblical principles to see success not only in their lives but for all those they hold dear. 

 In April of 2023, God gave me a vision and scripture, Isaiah 35:1-7. I knew that I was to begin to build something that would help other women grow and bloom in the middle of this dry and weary land that we often find ourselves in. What is being created is an army of women who are tired of living in the wilderness and are seeking God’s direction for every area of their lives, they are ready to be with like-minded women, let go of all that is holding them back, and take back what the enemy has stolen, their joy, their peace, their health. The women who come to SBA are ready to make a change, to commit their plans to God’s hands and ways, apply Biblical principles to see success not only in their lives but for all those they hold dear. 

Help women gain clarity about their identity, values, and aspirations, fostering a deeper understanding of themselves and their purpose.

Guide women in crafting a compelling vision for their future, rooted in faith and aligned with their unique gifts and calling.

Provide strategies and resources to overcome obstacles, fears, and self-limiting beliefs that hinder personal and spiritual growth.

Create a safe and uplifting environment where women can connect, encourage, and uplift one another, fostering meaningful friendships and accountability.

Empower women to set SMARTer (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Energizing, and Rewarding) goals with God, and take consistent action towards their dreams with confidence and courage.

SBA is designed to: 

SBA group coaching opens august 2024 join the waitlist below

Root, Grow, Bloom

Break free from the chaos, find your calling, and confidently pursue your purpose.



Sessions 9-12

  • Setting Smarter Goals with God Part 2 

  • Go home & tell 

  • Stewardship & Serving

  • Motivation & Accountability 


Sessions 5-8



Sessions 1-4

lay the foundation

  • #40days2Bloom-Foundations of Daily Habits for Spiritual Discipline

  • Kingdom Mindset

  • Prayer & Bible Study

  • Loving God, Loving You, Loving Others
  • Your Focus Area - Uncovering your Spiritual Gifts

  • Dreams & Visions

  • Where are you planted to serve? 

  • Setting Smarter Goals with God Part 1


Let's start your journey!

Ready to grow with us and start making Kingdom impact?

1:1 coaching

i'm ready!

Need more focused time on just your goals? 1-1 Coaching may be the right fit for you. Meet with me for one hour weekly on Zoom.

group coaching

Join the Waitlist

Want to be in community with like-minded women? Group coaching sessions meet with small groups weekly for one hour via Zoom.

Need help deciding if this is for you?

schedule a free CLARITY call with me

Deeann Horst 

"Oh my goodness!! When I started this class, I was in a bad place, my business was struggling and I was asking God why I was in a nonstop trial for so long! Immediately, after the very first lesson, my mind shifted from 'why me' to putting my eyes back on Him! I have not only learned so much from Tabitha, but I am no longer in the dark place AND He even revealed His purpose for me in one of her classes! If you need a new direction in your life and in your business, please invest in this class! Tabitha is precious and you will also gain new supportive, praying friends through your journey. It is definitely a journey and not just another course! I highly recommend it!"

Heather Stevenson

“Joining SBA was the best decision I could have made for my business. I have reached more in my circle and really found the clarity of what I am about. I know my niche, vision, and mission along with my passion. God has shown me things in this short period of time with Tabitha and I now am working toward my dream of being a SAHM. Thank you for believing in me, Tabitha.” 

 Laura Elbert

“Sometimes God places the right people in our path at exactly the right time. That’s what He did for me with Tabitha. She has helped me move into a space of confidence when it comes to sharing about my business online, and she has given me sound advice for moving my business in a new direction. It’s been wonderful to have a coach so rooted in faith and one who calls you out with biblical truth."

Candice Mata 

“It was an amazing and peaceful experience. My heart needed it this. I knew I had to be part of this group. I learned how to have God guide me. I learned more about my purpose and calling.

 To anyone who wants to join, just do it. Don’t overthink it. It’s worth it! Thank you Tabitha!"

Karen Belleville

 “Through SBA, my belief in myself has grown because of the love, support, and prayers from everyone. We are all going through various trials, however, we are all there to help each other and there is no competition. We all lift each other up and help each other succeed. One of my biggest takeaways from SBA is knowing that I am working with other Christian women who have biblical based principals. It's easy to share and not feel like you're on an island all alone. Because of this, it has been easier for me to stay in alignment with what God wants me to do. I don't worry as much about what others are thinking. I also share my faith more readily!"

Hear from the She Blooms community!